What is IYS Therapy?
A powerful, non touch healing modality that cleans, energises and
supports us to lead a happier and healthier life. I believe in this type of
energy healing like I believe that we need to wash our hands, our body
and our hair in order to stay well. Some people can get away with not
needing or doing healing and still find happiness, love, peace and good
health. For me this therapy enabled radical change and when I don't
attend to healing on myself regularly I notice a huge change. I believe
that this therapy is for everyone and oneway, hopefully in the not too
distant future, this will be well known and understood.
We are meant to blaze like the sun with energy, vitality, enthusiasm and
good health. Our thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and experiences, not to
mention the stress of families, mortgages, work and deadlines, create
clouds within us that can obscure our brilliance and which can contribute
to ill-health. Ignite Your Spirit Therapy reveals your radiant spirit, disperses
the clouds, and sets us free to be who we really are, shining with an inner
lustre, spark and joy. Even long-term problems can be diminished or
alleviated by the removal of stale old energy held within our physical, mental and energetic subtle bodies.
During this difficult time of COVID-19 healings are available online, if you look for a time that suits & you cannot find anything please don't hesitate to reach out, we will sort something for you.
Sessions last up to 55 minutes during which time Bhadrakali will intuitively read your energy field, and assess what needs to be addressed in light of what you wish to work on. Healings cover:
physical body, acute or chronic conditions
stress, anxiety or depression
dealing with significant life events including loss, divorce and bereavement
relationship healings
preparation for pregnancy, pregnancy, birth and postnatal recovery
early childhood issues such as sleep, reflux, colic and behavioural issues
Please contact us if you would like more information. Take care of u!